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ArticlesCell BiologyReal-time qPCR/PCR

Faster PCR and Flow Cytometry Highlighted in Annual Lab Automation Roundup

The annual international Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) conference is the highlight of the year for scientists in academia, industry, and government focused on leveraging the power of automation to achieve scientific breakthroughs. Here are some highlights of this year’s conference and how Bio-Rad contributed to it.
ArticlesCell BiologyTechniques

Flow Cytometry and the Law of Bottlenecks

Manufacturing and high-throughput screening may seem to have very little in common, but they are related at a fundamental level. Both seek to transform a raw material into a finished product, and both struggle with constraints, or bottlenecks, that reduce efficiency. How can we apply the revolutionary 20th century management principles of continuous improvement to 21st century flow cytometry?

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