Latest Cell Biology Articles

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Flow Cytometry and the Law of Bottlenecks

Manufacturing and high-throughput screening may seem to have very little in common, but they are related at a fundamental level. Both seek to transform a raw material into a finished product, and both struggle with constraints, or bottlenecks, that reduce efficiency. How can we apply the revolutionary 20th century management principles of continuous improvement to 21st century flow cytometry?
ArticlesCell Biology

Rising from the Ashes: The History of the 488 nm Laser

Despite the pivotal role of the 488 nm (blue) laser in the rise in popularity of flow cytometry, it experienced somewhat of a fall from grace following the shift to higher usage of the 561 nm (yellow) laser. However, with the advancement of flow cytometry leading to the use of more complex multicolor panels and ever-increasing fluorophore numbers per experiment, the blue laser is starting to make a comeback. Discover how StarBright Blue Dyes can help you make the most out of your 488 nm laser.

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