ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProduct Highlights

Western Blot Detection without Interfering IgGs: A Mere Fantasy or a Real Possibility?

Interference from IgG heavy (~ 50 kD) or light (~25 kD) chains is very common when trying to visualize bands of immunoprecipitated proteins. If your band of interest has a molecular weight close to these, it becomes really hard to distinguish between the IgG and the band of interest. How could this be avoided? Bio-Rad’s new TidyBlot™ Western Blot Detection Reagent accomplishes this by binding exclusively to the native nondenatured antibodies rather than any IgG in the sample. Explore the performance characteristics of this new reagent.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProduct Highlights

How Does an Antibody Qualify To Become a PrecisionAb™ Antibody?

Not all antibodies are created equal. Some have to work hard to qualify to become Bio-Rad’s PrecisionAb™ Antibody. Here is a diagrammatic representation of how the qualification criteria are determined.
ArticlesFeatured StoriesProduct HighlightsReal-time qPCR/PCR

New Product Feature: gDNA-Free cDNA in Two Simple Steps

Removing genomic DNA contamination from cDNA preparations is a challenge. All currently available methods are time consuming, could lead to sample loss, and are not efficient. Bio-Rad’s iScript™gDNA Clear cDNA Synthesis Kit tackles these issues and makes this step effortless. This article presents the performance data of the kit and describes how simple and efficient it is to use the kit for gDNA removal.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProduct Highlights

PrecisionAb™ Antibodies: Defining New Standards for Western Blotting

Choosing the right primary antibody is an arduous task. A lot of standardization needs to happen before we can determine that the antibody is specific and sensitive enough for the purpose of our experiment. The new PrecisonAb™ Antibodies from Bio-Rad go through vigorous testing and validation before they are deemed suitable, thus eliminating the process of trial and error for researchers. The video describes how the PrecisionAb antibodies are developed.
ArticlesFeatured StoriesProduct HighlightsReal-time qPCR/PCR

Bio-Rad’s PrimePCR™ Assays and Panels Eliminate Multiple Steps from Your qPCR Workflow

A qPCR workflow involves multiple steps, each of which adds to the time and cost of the entire experiment. The PrimePCR™ Assays and Panels from Bio-Rad eliminate a number of these steps with their predesigned primers and probes and help with the assay design. See what steps they eliminate and how that would help expedite your qPCR experiment.
ArticlesChromatographyProduct Highlights

Bio-Rad’s Multi-D Method Addresses Unmet Chromatography Needs

Some of the frustrations in protein purification stem from unmet chromatography needs, such as automation, productivity, throughput, and reproducibility among others. Bio-Rad’s new Multi-D chromatography method addresses these and provides solutions to faster, efficient and more reliable protein purification.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProduct Highlights

The Antibody Challenge: Bio-Rad’s Precise Solution

Why western blotting, a technique used in every day research, is still not as straightforward as it seems? Well, it’s mainly because of the antibodies. They may not work in all samples, a lot of standardization needs to be done and there are several other unknowns. Bio-Rad, the leader in western blotting, has addressed these concerns in its newest line of antibodies, the PrecisionAb™ Antibodies. See the challenges and the Bio-Rad solution.
ArticlesCell BiologyProduct Highlights

Introducing the ZOE™ Fluorescent Cell Imager for Routine Cell Culture and Fluorescent Imaging Applications

Using traditional fluorescence microscopes for everyday cell imaging can be frustrating, with a lot of time spent in the darkroom mastering a highly specialized piece of equipment, all to accomplish relatively simple tasks. The ZOE Fluorescent Cell Imager eliminates the complexities of cell imaging by combining the ease of use of a personal tablet with the power of an inverted microscope. Check it out.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProduct Highlights

Brighter Precision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Standard — The Brightest Protein Marker Available

Take a quick look at Bio-Rad’s brighter Precision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Standard with this article comparing this standard to other available protein markers. Plus, find out why the ability to visualize a protein standard after reprobing matters to one researcher!
AppsArticlesProduct HighlightsReal-time qPCR/PCR

Bio-Rad’s Universal Real-Time PCR App – Everything You Need to Know about Real-Time PCR at Your Fingertips

Bio-Rad’s Universal Real-Time PCR Kits and Reagents work on all real-time PCR systems. Now you can easily compare performance data and get supporting documents for these kits and reagents using Bio-Rad’s new tablet and web app. Learn more and download the app here.