Past WebinarsWebinars

Single-Cell Western Blot and Stain-Free Total Protein Loading Control

Dr. Robyn Murphy of Latrobe University introduces a protocol using Bio-Rad’s stain-free gel technology to conduct western blotting on sample sizes as small as single muscle cells. Dr. Murphy shows how this reliable western blotting method can be a valuable research tool. Learn more about stain-free technology.  
Past WebinarsWebinars

Can We Trust Western Blots?

Prof. Aldrin Gomes of UC Davis shares western blot problems he has seen as a journal editor and outlines standardized procedures and controls needed to make western blotting data reliable. The presentation also includes tips to save time and labor during the blotting procedure.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingFeatured Stories

Revealing BRCA2 Pathways in Cancer with Bio-Rad’s V3 Western Workflow

Twenty years after the discovery of the link between BRCA gene mutations and breast cancer, researcher Ryan Jensen of the Yale Medical School is looking into the interactions between the DNA repair protein RAD51 and BRCA proteins using Bio-Rad’s V3 Western Workflow.
ArticlesGeneral Interest

Bio-Rad’s Applications & Technologies Pages: A Valuable Resource for Scientists

Discover the wide range of applications for Bio-Rad products in diverse fields of study and learn more about our cutting-edge technologies and their underlying principles. Get protocols, troubleshooting tips, and updates on the latest developments in methods, instrumentation, and software.
ArticlesCustomer StoriesElectrophoresis/Western Blotting

TGX Stain-Free™ Precast Gels Facilitate LDL Research on Potential New Drug Targets

When Dr. Fred Bauzon started his research, he worked with bioinformatics specialists to functionalize suitable gene candidates based on their expression levels with HMGCR transcript levels. All his experiments demonstrated a reduction in low-density lipoprotein receptor protein (LDLR) and candidate gene protein levels after the candidate gene was silenced. Here Bauzon discusses how TGX Stain-free precast gels have aided his research toward future drug targets for the therapeutic control of LDL uptake.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProduct Highlights

Trans-Blot® Turbo™ Ready-to-Assemble (RTA) Kit Enables Economical, Rapid, and Efficient Western Blot Transfers

Bio-Rad’s latest semi-dry transfer system, the Trans-Blot® Turbo™, has changed the way researchers think about western blot transfers.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingFeatured Stories

Around the World with the ChemiDoc™ MP Imaging System

Bio-Rad has long demonstrated innovation in imaging, with the introduction of the stain-free gel electrophoresis workflow, which was rapidly followed by the launch of the Gel Doc™ EZ imager. Now, this progression continues with the release of the ChemiDoc™ MP imaging system.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProtocols and Tips

Transitioning from Chemiluminescent to Multiplex Fluorescent Blotting: Things to Consider

Today many researchers are considering changing their western blot detection method from chemiluminescence to multiplex fluorescence. There are several drivers behind this trend. Most significantly, fluorescent detection allows users to multiplex their western blots, enabling simultaneous detection of several target proteins at once, reducing or eliminating the need to strip and re-probe. Other benefits of fluorescence include better dynamic range, more quantitative results, and better signal stability over time.