ArticlesChromatographyGeneral Interest

Are biofuels good for the planet?

Will the trend toward using biofuels benefit the earth? Listen in as our Chromies team discusses different types of biofuels and how chromatography plays a role in developing mass produced and energy efficient biofuels.

How to Make a Successful Vaccine

As phase 3 clinical trials of investigational vaccines for COVID-19 begin in the U.S., you may be wondering what it takes to make an effective vaccine? In case you missed it, check out our Hanging with My Chromies podcast, episodes 6 and 10 on vaccine development and viral spread, and learn about the role chromatography plays in making a successful vaccine.
ArticlesChromatographyGeneral InterestProduct Highlights

Analyzing Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are among the most important components of foods, providing energy as well as flavor, texture, and other physical properties. Identification and quantification of carbohydrates in food is commonly performed using high-performance liquid chromatography. Bio-Rad Aminex Ion Exchange Resins have become the industry standard for carbohydrate and organic acid analysis.
ChromatographyPast WebinarsWebinars

Biosimilar Purification with Ion Exchange and Mixed-Mode Resins

Presented by: Randy Drevland, PhD, Senior Applications Scientist

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Dr. Drevland presents a viable alternative workflow for the development of a HUMIRA-like biosimilar using IEX and mixed-mode resins.

Hanging with My Chromies Podcast Series

Hanging with My Chromies Podcast Series

The Hanging with My Chromies podcast series is focused on the many surprising applications of chromatography and the stories surrounding them. Join us every month to see what you can learn.
ArticlesChromatography VideoCustomer Stories

Maximizing the Efficiency of Production Workflows with NGC Chromatography Systems

See how an antibody expression service provider, Evitria (Zurich, Switzerland) optimized and expanded their antibody production services using the NGC Chromatography Systems to meet the growing demands of their customers.
ChromatographyPast WebinarsWebinars

Integrating Viral Clearance into Your Process Development — A Case Study Using a Mixed‑Mode Chromatography Resin

Presented by: Akunna Iheanacho, Director of Research and Development at Texcell – North America
Xuemei He, R&D Manager, Chromatograpy Media Chemistry at Bio-Rad Laboratories

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Learn about evaluating viral clearance using a DOE approach with a mixed-mode chromatography resin.

ArticlesChromatographyTechnical Reports

Challenging the Microbial Sanitization of a Liquid Chromatography System

When developing biologics or biotherapeutics, it is imperative that no contaminating or hazardous residual components from the organisms responsible for protein expression remain after purification. See how the NGC Chromatography System was challenged with microbes and efficiently sanitized, making it ideal for the small-scale production of biotherapeutics.
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ArticlesChromatographyFeatured StoriesTechnical Reports

Purification of Antibodies with Nuvia aPrime 4A Hydrophobic Anion Exchange Resin

Our new hydrophobic anion exchange mixed-mode resin, Nuvia aPrime 4A, has been developed to overcome existing challenges in antibody purification. See how we purified an acidic and basic antibody through bind-elute and flow-through modes of purification, respectively, and helped to improve process productivity and economy.
ChromatographyPast WebinarsWebinars

A New AEX Mixed-Mode Chromatography Resin for High Selectivity and Recovery

Presented by: Xuemei He, PhD, R&D Manager, Chromatography Media Chemistry, Bio-Rad Laboratories

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This webinar highlights the properties of Bio-Rad’s newest hydrophobic AEX chromatography resin, Nuvia aPrime 4A, which is designed to facilitate selective and reversible binding of target molecules for higher purity and recovery over traditional chromatography resins.