Vive la Différence: The Beauty of Diversity in Life, Life Science, and Flow Cytometry

Maximizing PCR and qPCR Throughput with Automated Solutions

Faster PCR and Flow Cytometry Highlighted in Annual Lab Automation Roundup

Automated Multicolumn Monoclonal Antibody Purification

Unlocking the Power of Analysis with Automation

The ZE5 Cell Analyzer, a Fast and Flexible Flow Cytometer for High-Throughput Screening

Lab of the Future

Increase Yield and Reproducibility While Saving Time by Automating Recombinant Protein Purification
Presented by: Philip Chapman, MSc, Senior Global Product Manager
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Learn how to quickly optimize conditions prior to automating a four-step purification of a histidine-tagged recombinant protein. Automating purification reduces a multi-day process into 12 hours while increasing yield and reproducibility.