ChromatographyPast WebinarsWebinars

A New AEX Mixed-Mode Chromatography Resin for High Selectivity and Recovery

Presented by: Xuemei He, PhD, R&D Manager, Chromatography Media Chemistry, Bio-Rad Laboratories

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This webinar highlights the properties of Bio-Rad’s newest hydrophobic AEX chromatography resin, Nuvia aPrime 4A, which is designed to facilitate selective and reversible binding of target molecules for higher purity and recovery over traditional chromatography resins.

Changing the Treatment Landscape with the Development of Biologics
ArticlesChromatographyFeatured Stories

Changing the Treatment Landscape with the Development of Biologics

Biologics are transforming the healthcare landscape and bringing us closer to the realization of personalized solutions to our health problems. Learn about what biologics are and how protein purification plays a key role in their overall success as a therapeutic.