Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesElectrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Casting Polyacrylamide Gels with TGX™ and TGX Stain-Free™ FastCast™ Acrylamide Kits

Want a streamlined, easy workflow for hand casting polyacrylamide gels? This tutorial video shows how to use Bio-Rad’s new FastCast™ acrylamide kits to hand cast gels, saving time while providing the benefits of the latest precast gel chemistries.
ArticlesFeatured Stories

Top Stories of 2013 — Bioradiations Year in Review

From the origins of digital PCR in leukemia research to stopping HIV with novel polymers to better methods for fragment-based drug discovery, BioRadiations has covered some of the most exciting life science research stories of 2013. Now take a look back at these stories and more as we review the best pieces of the year.
Past WebinarsWebinars

Droplet Digital™ PCR for Gene Copy Number Variation Analysis

In this webinar presented by Dr. Jennifer Berman, learn how Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR™) technology uses a simple, cost-effective workflow to accurately and reproducibly assess copy number variations (CNVs) even in high-throughput settings.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProduct Highlights

Bio-Rad’s FastCast™ Acrylamide Kits — It’s Time to Expect More from Your Handcast Gels

Hand casting polyacrylamide gels is not an easy task. It is laborious, needs lot of pre-planning and is cumbersome. Bio-Rad’s new TGX and TGX Stain-Free FastCast gel solutions not only address all these issues, but provide added benefits, such as increased speed, stain-free visualization, and quality control. Learn more about these new handcasting kits.
Chromatography VideoCustomer Testimonial VideoVideos

Stand Up Against Downtime

Facing adversity with humor, some chromatographers are drawing on the healing power of laughter to deal with the frustrations of chromatography systems that just won’t work.
Past WebinarsWebinars

Using Droplet Digital™ PCR for Cancer and Liquid Biopsy Studies

This presentation by Dr. Dawne Shelton describes how Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR™) can be used to measure circulating nucleic acids (cfDNA) and circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in blood and to detect rare tumorigenic mutations down to 0.01% or less in a high background of normal DNA. Techniques and methods discussed in this webinar will enable you to begin your own investigations.
Past WebinarsWebinars

The Power of Partitioning: The World of Droplet Digital™ PCR Applications

Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR™) has revolutionized infectious disease research, cancer biomarker and genomic variation analysis, and other fields. This webinar by Dr. George Karlin-Neumann provides an overview of the ddPCR concept and workflow and discusses recent journal publications showcasing the technology’s diverse applications.
General Interest VideoVideos

The Aha! Moment – Bio Rad Science Ambassadors at the 2013 Day of Innovation

Enthusiastic students describe the fun they had with the Science Ambassador DNA experiment.
Chromatography VideoCustomer Testimonial VideoVideos

Learning Curve Blues

This researcher sings a tune many will recognize from their own frustrations with overly complex chromatography instruments. The NGC™ chromatography system offers a simple, user-friendly interface so even students with little experience will beat the “learning curve blues.”
Customer Testimonial VideoDroplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) VideoVideos

Breaking Leukemia’s Limits of Detection with Droplet Digital™ PCR

Prof. Alec Morley, a pioneer in digital PCR, describes his use of Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR™) technology to advance the diagnosis and treatment of leukemia. Morley and his colleagues at Flinders University and Medical Center in Adelaide, South Australia previously developed a digital PCR method for the early detection of residual acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Learn how Morley is now using Bio-Rad’s ddPCR technology to develop a diagnostic test for monitoring chronic myeloid leukemia.