ArticlesChromatographyChromatography VideoProduct HighlightsVideos

How Do You Automate a Multicolumn Protein Purification?

Multicolumn purifications are tedious and the manual operations during this process introduce variabilities, affecting the success of purification and reproducibility of results. This whiteboard animation explains how an automated multi-dimensional chromatography method can make this an easier process with very high success rates.
ArticlesChromatographyChromatography VideoVideos

How Does the Mixed Mode Interaction of a Media Help Achieve High Selectivity and Resolution?

The best chromatography media should yield high protein purity and product recovery as well as be versatile enough to purify difficult samples. Bio-Rad’s CHT™ Ceramic Hydroxyapatite achieves this by virtue of being able to interact with the proteins through multiple modes, making the process extremely efficient. The whiteboard animation describes the mode of action of CHT.
Chromatography VideoProduct Demonstration VideoVideos

High-Processivity Sso7d Fusion Polymerase Improves qPCR Results

Processivity is the rate at which nucleotides are added to extend PCR products. High processivity results in a greater number of nucleotides incorporated in each polymerase binding event.
Bench PartnersChromatography VideoLab NotesVideos

Four Tips for Developing a Sample Prep Protocol for SDS-PAGE or Chromatography

From making sure that your lysis buffer is compatible with your protein quantitation method to advice on when you do and don’t have to worry about proteases, we share helpful tips for developing a sample preparation protocol.
Bench PartnersChromatography VideoLab NotesVideos

Five Tips for Picking the Right Cell Disruption Method for Protein Analysis

Sonicator or freeze-thaw? Detergent or enzymatic lysis? Find out how to pick the right cell disruption method for your experiment.
Chromatography VideoProduct Demonstration VideoVideos

Automated Multi-D Chromatography on the NGC™ System

What is Multidimensional (Multi-D) chromatography? Here is an animated explanation of how Multi-D chromatography works and what its advantages are over traditional chromatography.
Bench PartnersChromatography VideoLab NotesVideos

Tips for Keeping Your NGC™ Chromatography System in Great Shape

Doing these three simple checks will protect your chromatography system from common lab hazards.
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Tips for Storing Proteins Purified on Your NGC™ Chromatography System

Get the most out of your proteins, including better stability, the best ways to freeze fractions, and more!