Electrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Quick Tips for Western Blotting

Learn how to improve your western blotting results with our Quick Tips video series. Watch these 1–2 minute videos see how to perfect each step of the western blotting process.
Electrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoVideos

Choosing Validated Antibodies for Trustworthy Data

The lack of reproducibility in research has been a source of frustration for scientists. Learn why antibody validation is critical for ensuring specificity and what validation methods Bio-Rad is implementing. Our scientists validate the performance of antibodies through CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing by knockout (KO), siRNA knockdown (KD), and immunoprecipitation followed by mass spectrometry (IP-MS).
Publishing Meaningful Antibody Data
ArticlesCell BiologyElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProtocols and Tips

Finding a Good Antibody:
Part III – Publish Meaningful Data

In the first two articles in our Finding a Good Antibody series, you learned how to select the best antibodies and received tips on proper antibody validation. In this third and final article, see how you can use this information to publish meaningful data when using antibodies. And get some guidelines for antibody best practices.
Antibody Validation for Your Application
ArticlesCell BiologyElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProtocols and Tips

Finding a Good Antibody:
Part II — Antibody Validation

Finding antibodies that work for your application is just the first step in finding a good antibody. Next is antibody validation — making sure that your antibody does what you think it is supposed to. In this second article in our Finding a Good Antibody series, learn how best to go about validating your antibodies.
Finding a Good Antibody: Part I — Selecting the Best Antibodies.
ArticlesCell BiologyElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProtocols and Tips

Finding a Good Antibody:
Part I — Selecting the Best Antibodies

Even though antibodies are central to basic research as well as drug development and diagnostics, concerns with antibody validation remain high, and finding an antibody that works well for a specific application can be quite a challenge. Use these tips to select the best antibodies for your application.